Wednesday, May 28, 2008

these are a few of my favorite things...

One of my favorite movies is the Sound of Music- I just love it.
So, in honor of my favorite movie I'll tell you some of my favorite things. (in no particular order)
1. A good sale. Now I'm not talking 30% off. 50 or more and you've got a deal. The best is Hobby Lobby after the holidays, pretty sure I scored some halloween decoratiosn at 90% off!
2. Traveling. I would love to just travel once a month. I have a list of places I want to see before I die and the list keeps getting longer.
3. Christmas time. I just love the way the air smells outside when it's Christmas, it's magical!
4. Cheese, excluding swiss- other than that, I'm game.
5. Going to bed early, which I happen to do on a regular basis. Which leads me to number 6...
6. Taking a bath and going to bed with clean sheets. I LOVE clean sheets!
7. A good book. If I like it, it's possible to finish in one sitting- done that many a times.
8. Smell of tennis balls in a can when you first open them. Weird I know, but I love it. Actually, I have pretty particular nose.
9. Beach, minus the sand in your bathing suit.
10. Fall time. I am getting a copyright on those words, you have summer time, spring time, and winter time, but just fall.... comon'. But I love fall, the smell of leaves buring outside.
11. A good glass of wine. White and cold, please.
12. My hubby's pillow after he has gotten up in the morning. It smells like him.
13. Massages. Thank you.
14. Fresh fruit. Pineapple, watermellon, strawberries, peaches, I love it all.
15. Wallabe Darn from outback. Hands down the best drink on the planet.
16. A clean house, when I am not the one who cleaned it.
17. Surprises. I am not good at being surprised, though, I'll have to warn you.
18. Honesty. Sheer honesty.
19. Scrapbooking.
20. DVR. This is the best thing ever invented. I watch way less tv now and NO MORE COMMERICALS!!!
21. Funfetti cookies. Oh yum!
22. White water rafting. Oh so fun. It was also fun to get to experience it with Nick his first time.
23. Photography. This is a new "favorite" thing for me. But I am really really liking it.
24. Shaved ice. There is a shaved ice stand in the summers in the Target parking lot, already been there 3 times. I'm a regular.
25. Disney world, hello, the happiest place on earth!

Ok, I'll end with 25. I might have to add more later, I have lots of favorites.

1 comment:

Erin Pastoric said...

Ok, I especially love numbers 8-14. I will have to list a few of my fav things and I'm sure I'll have to steal a few of yours ;-)