Friday, October 3, 2008

somebody stop me

I got out my Halloween decorations on the 1st (by the way- how is it OCTOBER already!?!). I have this candy corn bowl that I put on my coffee table and filled full of candy corn. It took two bags, and it still wasn't full. Everytime I walk through the den, which is quite often, I grab a small handfull. Seriously! Someone stop me. I don't even really like candy corn. I mean, they are ok, but they are not my favorite halloween candy by any means; they might be like number 47 on a list of 50. I just can't help myself.
Aggghhh, and I was actually doing better. I had lost a few pounds, as of last week it was 5. I mean my just-out-of-the-washer-do-squats-before-wearing jeans are a little big on me now- Or use to be, before the dreaded candy corn....

1 comment:

Emily G. said...

I LOVE CANDY CORN!!! That's why I don't buy it until the last week before Halloween. B/c like you, I'd take just a few...every one of the 100 times I walk thru the living room. So, right now, I have a cute candy bowl sitting in the living room....empty. That is the only way I have self-control!! :)