Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Eye Doctor

I don't like going to the eye doctor. I try to only go when I HAVE to, you know, when you only have one pair of contacts left and they won't give you anymore till the doctor sees you. Well, yesterday I it was time.
Let me just say that I LOVE my eye doctor, she is such a nice younger chick. Her office is real casual and she takes her time and hangs out with you and just chats. In fact, I learned we both see the same regular doctor and same gyno, small world! So anyways, nothing against her but I HATE the eye doctor.
It's like taking the hardest test ever and I get nervous.
What's better- A or B? 1 or 2? Now B or 2?
I get so stressed out my hands start to sweat. I just feel like I'm giving the wrong answers. And then: can you read this line.... oh I hate that part. I can kinda read it if I take my time and really try, but does that count?
Oh the stress! And if I give the wrong answer is that going to screw up my vision for all eternity?
I'm blind enough as it is and the eye doctor is just too much pressure. But I'm good for another two years or so, thank goodness.
Now today I have a physical. I hate that "take a deep breath" part. Is this deep enough? Am I breathing too fast? Agggghhhhhh.


Katie said...

Gee, you're stressing me out!! CALM DOWN! :-)

The Overstreets said...

I've never seen you so stressed out!

Lora said...

Your post made me laugh! I like the eye doctor best of all the doctors... the dentist is the WORST for me. I hate the cleaning - ugh!

Anonymous said...

Ha I love it. I go to the eye doctor next week...I have zero contacts left. I hate it too. In fact, sometimes I just say "I don't know which is better!" It's so dumb!

Oh yeah...and let me check with Ben on next Tuesday - but probably so.

Cassie said...

This is the EXACT way I feel when I go to the eye doctor. I mean, let's face it - it's a test you know you cannot ace. You're beat from the beginning. There's nothing good about that!
Last year, I convinced my husband (and myself) that I needed lasik. The first DR's appointment after my surgery was quite possibly one of my proudest moments in life. I passed that stinkin test. :)

Annette said...

Well, as one who has just had cataract surgery, the eye test is the least of the problems. I didn't know how dirty my house was before I had my vision cleared up. Where did all those cobwebs come from? I've been in a cleaning frenzy since the surgery. (Well, almost.)

Leah said...

I go on Friday and I am looking forward to getting new glasses. The only part I hate is that thing that blows air into your eye. It take 2 or 3 tries for each eye b/c I always blink out of fear!