Thursday, March 19, 2009

it never fails

The moment I go to get my fresh produce I hear that low rumbling and then the mist starts! Everytime! I get wet and end up with a wet bag of cucumbers. Seriously, just my luck!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

better late than never

So I'm a few days late on posting my memory verse. Sorry.

This one is also from our Advance Team Memory Verses at church.

It's not fancy hair, gold jewelry, or find clothes that should make you beautiful. No, your beauty should come from within you- the beauty of a gentle spirit that will never be destroyed and is very precious to God.
1 Peter 3:3-4

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Eye Doctor

I don't like going to the eye doctor. I try to only go when I HAVE to, you know, when you only have one pair of contacts left and they won't give you anymore till the doctor sees you. Well, yesterday I it was time.
Let me just say that I LOVE my eye doctor, she is such a nice younger chick. Her office is real casual and she takes her time and hangs out with you and just chats. In fact, I learned we both see the same regular doctor and same gyno, small world! So anyways, nothing against her but I HATE the eye doctor.
It's like taking the hardest test ever and I get nervous.
What's better- A or B? 1 or 2? Now B or 2?
I get so stressed out my hands start to sweat. I just feel like I'm giving the wrong answers. And then: can you read this line.... oh I hate that part. I can kinda read it if I take my time and really try, but does that count?
Oh the stress! And if I give the wrong answer is that going to screw up my vision for all eternity?
I'm blind enough as it is and the eye doctor is just too much pressure. But I'm good for another two years or so, thank goodness.
Now today I have a physical. I hate that "take a deep breath" part. Is this deep enough? Am I breathing too fast? Agggghhhhhh.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

So, I'm kinda famous

Awhile ago, I got a blog facelift. I was jealous of my friend Katie's super cute blog, which by the way, Katie is in Mexico right now- hate her. Katie told me to email this chick named Ashley and ask her to help me. So I emailed Ashley and she helped a sista' out! I just LOVE my new look. Ashley did such a great job reflecting me and my personality. I told her she was fabulous and she should go into business... well... she has. (I'm sure it was my suggesting it to her and all)
She has since updated my side bar, check out my cute little fonts and has/or will update my signature. She asked me to be one of her featured blogs- must be my stellar write ability/grammar/spelling. Hello, I'm famous!!

So if you are jealous of my new look, but aren't married to a graphic designer. Go see Ashley at Great Grabbie Designs and she can hook you up.
Just don't make them look better than me, Ash!
(I can call her Ash, cause we are bff now)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Memory Verse

We teach 4th-6th graders at church in a program called Momentum. It's fantastic and Nick and I have an incredible time with the kids and we learn so much. Part of the curriculum is a "contest" called Advance Team. It requires memorizing Bible verse, reading books of the Bible, showing up to church, bringing you Bible, etc, etc. So last week we got the new memory verses for this semester, so what a better place to find my new verse.
Here is is:
Do not worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks. And God's peace, which is so great we cannot understand it, will keep your heart and minds in Christ Jesus. -Philippians 4:6-7